So we passed 09 and now we are debuting a new decenny! 2010. It's big and scary, I figured out that 2010 would be my 25th year and I haven't done (or become) what I thought I would by the time I hit 25. I guess it's alright though, I am in NO rush for sure but it's disappointing to see that your 21 years old sister is getting married (when you're not even close of dating any guy) SAD!
But I am not worrying too much, I am way too laid-back for this!
So quick newsflash: still at school (last semester of the Bacc) BUT will be doing a whole new year to get my grades up, won 2 times tickets to see show (but couldn't, so I gave them to Evelyn), got on Twitter and I like it, no boyfriend (none in sight), staying with the same roomies (dealing some what better after almost a year), getting my hair long (hard, so hard to do), thinking about getting a new tattoo, got myself transfered to the Ste-Foy store (cuz big @F$%? happened at work) and my sister is having her wedding a year in advance.
All of this need some more details, which I will eventually do write. But for the moment I do need to get to school and do that test! (North American Prehistory)
Olympics are on (VANCOUVER BABY!!!) and Canada doesn't suck too bad
see ya
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