Sunday, July 08, 2007

Politically correcting the course

So we need less Bushes.... you know how they grow thougher and thicker with years?? We need to cut their roots at the very first signs... that is when we don't want them around. But, got to say they are sometimes in the way. So, we used to have Tony Blair, who to my surprise is not coming back (And I wonder why's that...) who himself was walking along the wrong track; he was a Bush-to-be... AND the world is unlikely to be saved because we (canadians) still have a wannabe-Bush (Stephen Harper). I have to admit Canada won't do lots when it comes to fighting with the world, but against we are starting our own business. Let me clarify...we are scraping *can I use that word ??? By scraping, I mean undo* the Kyoto Protocol by not applying to (what I believe are) simple ways of life/doings....AND we are to send our canadian troops over seas (Afghanistan) to fight some(to use Amy Winehouse words) *unholy* war that has NOTHING to do with us....completely stupid move, follow those actions and end up not be called back *at the next election!* The next generation, which I like to say my own age group, won't be stupid enough to vote again for him... unless we have no other good choice (And that could be happening... but I am NOT into politics more than this.. so I really have no idea...other than what I hear by the media ((which is another good subjects to ramble about, but not today!)
Still no calls for me... hmmm....wonder why! No, really, the guy came over and looked at me (I like to think) as if he really seems interested. However, my mother gaydar (gay radar) flashed. It really hasn't hit me, well then again Bart either... so...mine radar is either not working or PY went on laying very low. LOL Anyways, no call, no date. And to say, I did wait all week for his phone call...just one, one tiny one. Well I shall not be desesperate he did look at me. Hmm... wow, now I base my hopes on a look (but it did meant a lot)
- I love "The birth of Corneliu", Corneille's new Album! -
It's getting late, so I should be thinking of going to sleep. However, there is a part of me, who thinks I might be able to see PY later tonight, which would be quite fun and interesting....hopefully that will happen (maybe given us an opportunity and by that word I mean a chance for us to talk, discuss about us because I still have no idea, if we are compatible...maybe we are not... anyway what I know is that I am not in love with least I don't feel butterflies in my tummy...and that's how I know... See I have never really been in love don't know what it does!
I have gone out with my brother and my 3 was amazingly fun!! A must-do again this summer!! It was so fun, and funny AND I didn't get sick. WOW. Let's applause, please! I got a 2:30 sleep and want on to work for a full day 8-9 hours and I was fine, not wait I was good... didn't show at all...I am getting good at this!! I am real happy of having been there, and I didn't felt left off, just well surrounded by (maybe) overprotective guys *but that's always fun* ;o)
have to go now!



Anh Khoi Do said...

No surprise here. According to an article from the Daily Telegraph, Alastair Campbell, the former aide of Tony Blair, revealed in his memoirs that Blair wanted to quit before the war in Iraq. In fact, we also learn that Blair didn't want to do more than two full terms.

As for George W. Bush, I definitely have no sympathy for him. Moreover, I don't want to sound like the devil's advocate, but if you consider what has happened in American politics since 2000, you can't just put all the blame on Bush himself. Indeed, some of the USA's foreign and domestic policies was mostly decided by people who are around Bush. In short, that leaves us the odd feeling that people around Bush decide for the USA, so to speak.

Marie-Claude said...

Alright, so I am not well was what it feels like for a common (non-politized) french canadian girl. ;o)
Thanks for correcting me, well appreciated!