Thursday, July 05, 2007

the entering into the future past

It's quite late, but I have to waste a couple of minutes so why not writing up some stuff around...
So, I still haven't received any phone and I don't even feel like saying there is still 3 days left before the week's ending...and heard about a going out thing on sunday... but doesn't look really for me.. so I might not attend...hmm probably not...well I need to keep up with not wasting money!
Tomorrow, however, I am to go out dancing and drinking at Ozone... which I am not so sure about but I am willing to give it a bro and my cousin will be around so it cannot be quite bad, right? just had a thought here... friends of my cousin will be there... hmmm, any BF potential? or just ackward guys... hmmm I just don't want to be left off! AHH I should go... I will go... I must be positive!! AND go out a little... can't be that bad!

have to go now...


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