Sunday, February 03, 2008

you're living large (newsflash)

"You can't handle me" Robyn

Right, my China trip is going good I guess...I'M SO looking foward to be there and getting there and coming
It goes beyond London, 2 months studying Chinese culture, it doesn't get better than this...hmmm wait, it could get better but for now that's good.

I just done my heavy work week (turned out to be 30 hours, not too bad)I was pretty tired with my morning classes though, but that might have nothing to do with those working houses... But still, how can you hide the fact that your eyes are half open and that you try real hard (which is worst) to keep them open...and then, when the teacher is taking a pause, and you get out of class, you realise you are not so ohh it's the teacher !! (nah, its the subject)

A student/collegue is in France, having a semester in archaeology in one of Paris institute...crazy. I am so jealous but I still get 2 month in China at the end of this semester so I guess we are even!


Had me couple of shovelling yesterday, my back hurts so much...I need to exercise more!

Alright, have to study now!


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