Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Can't get away from it

My third trip: China's summer studies. In 54 days now! (WOW)

This opportunity that I just couldn't let get away, has officiallized even more with the buying of the plane tickets... crazzzzy! I'm real happy and over-excited when I think about it. This is going to be so crazy and I just can't believe that it is going to happen in less then 2 months...crazieeeer. OK BUT my problem is that my friend who is coming with me is such.... is like Sam... What am I going to do? I hated it the first time, it aint going to be better....hopefully I'll be able to tell her off when she'll be bugging me, besides it's not like we are going to be stuck with one another for the 8 weeks...someone else will be around to take care of her... I just realised this fact a couple of days ago and I kinda freaked out. It might not even be a problem, I'll see about that then...
Anyway.... no can do about it for now...
But what were the odds? I finally get Sam off (she won't be coming soon travellingwith me, since she's having a kid now) and now I need to get myself with someone alike to pass what should be some amazing 2 months in China...I have to worry now enough with the money, let me please have a clear concience when I think about my compagnon...ohhh well...

All of this made me think to call for the vaccinations!!


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