Saturday, August 29, 2009

Now That You Mention It....

I never realised that I actually LOVE my job. Because I think if you hate something there's must be somewhere a tiny bit of love as tiny as a grain of sand otherwise you just wouldn't mind (or notice) And so I do mind my job, I want it to go as smoothly as it can on days where rushes means having to do 15miles inside a 100ft store (I don't know if my analogy is right here -or even if the word analogy here works out-), I want to give the best service I can to every customers (putting an extra effort for the ones with the frowns) and caring for every of my collegues. When none of those (or even just one) doesn't work out, I feel bad. I have to say for this short entry, that I know that day I will have to leave that workplace I'll have a big hole in my heart....

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