Sunday, June 17, 2007

currently unavailable

Too many "A's" in available

I hate people who opens up MSN only to be 'away' or occupied... WHAT ARE U DOING UP THERE THEN ???? We should be able to contact you if you are on, otherwise just do like me and be 'offline'! I have a thought on why people are doing it... just to appear busy (or else), to show off!! It's always fun to be something you are not and the best way to do it is on the net (on MSN) no one can tell what you are really doing...
Well I do show off too, a good way is the spaces they give you to rant about yourself (and what you are doing) *You know, it is the line that always appear next to your name!* I'm pretty good (I think) though it rarely gets people talking (or at least not to my face ) OH well... let's call it freedom of speech, you can say whatever you want, whenever you want (until it gets dirty or mean, and then you are banned. ((ON MSN it never happens... but could be in real life)) ==> because MSN is not real life lol
How fake is the web? hmm... good question... actually the web cannot be fake because I am posting, surfing and watching on Internet.. no, what is fake is the people who has the power to control the net, even remotely. Most of the time, I play (and so in real life) a character, so I might not be fake but I am not true (most of the time). And the fakeness does not only apply to personalities amongst the world wide web but also on the information we pass by... of course there is somewhat, somehow (and probably most of the time) real stuff out there...but we can encounter some fake story, fake facts and fake realities... we do need some fantasy around (for those who are ((still)) not celebrities) *I am dating Garrett Hedlund* LOL **In my dreams!... hmm NOT! In my day-to-day life, but that is a topic I probably won't get further about, until I feel good about it...not that I should hide it, it probably would get people together and babbler for hours on about what they are day-dreaming about (and I am pretty sure, stories would be alike!) ((OK maybe I am hoping so!))**
I lost my train of thought, I should end it here

I am sure that I am being watched (but not read..I wonder why) AND I DON"T CARE! In your face, big brother (or any association that are on me at this moment!)


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